Do Not Be Scared To Think

If you experience any of the following, you are ready to talk with a Life Coach: ✔️You find yourself on the sidelines watching others succeed ✔️Your thoughts limit your ability to take actionable steps ✔️You are moving along in life with no set intention ✔️You don’t stop to focus on what you need right now ✔️You get in your own…

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The Coach gets Coached

    When my new friend, Osarague, invited me to go LIVE on her Instagram page, I froze in my shoes. How could I go live? Open myself up to criticism? Be vulnerable? What if people asked me questions that I couldn’t answer? What if I didn’t come across like a coach women would trust and want to work with?…

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Hello, I am your coach

  • Post category:Coaching

Hello! I am your coach. I look forward to getting to know you–to watching you grow and mature. Together, we will get you thinking about the empty nest either looming before you or the one you are already living in. What does that ideal nest feel like? What do you think you need to do right now to get to…

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Fall is Knocking At Your Door

Photo Credit: Laurey W. Glenn   My front door is closed right now, but I’m ready for what comes next. With the new season–the crisp leaves, the fresh notebooks–comes a sense of excitement and expectancy. Something new. We are ready for the change of season, and whatever it may bring. Flower pots replanted. Mums. Gourds. Muted seasonal colors. It’s a…

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Can you keep a secret?

  • Post category:Coaching

Can you keep a secret? I can. As a coach, I treat confidentiality like an attorney or a doctor. A recent New York Times article about overhearing conversations outside a Trader Joe's on the Upper West Side during the pandemic got me thinking about how different people in different situations might use the information they hear. In coaching, confidentiality is…

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That AHA moment

AHA! “I get it!” “I know what I have to do next.” There is nothing better than witnessing my client reach that clarity at the end of a session. That "AHA" moment. Find YOUR clarity. Get unstuck. Break through. Release your tension. Unshrug your shoulders and relax. You are now on your way to realizing your goals; to release that…

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Coaching vs. Therapy

I spoke to a possible client today and I offered her a coaching session because she seemed blocked in her ability to define her goals. She told me that she had never had good luck with therapy. Wait, what? I wasn’t offering to be her therapist. This conversation made me realize that a lot of people might not understand exactly…

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