Progress and Reflection

Progress. It’s what we all like to see when we start putting effort into a task or goal. Yet, sometimes, we get too caught up in our progress to truly reflect on how we got there. If we focus on reflection, we can realize how just a few weeks can make essential differences in our lives. Think back to a…

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Do Not Be Scared To Think

If you experience any of the following, you are ready to talk with a Life Coach: ✔️You find yourself on the sidelines watching others succeed ✔️Your thoughts limit your ability to take actionable steps ✔️You are moving along in life with no set intention ✔️You don’t stop to focus on what you need right now ✔️You get in your own…

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2021….Are you Ready?

Photo Credit: 2021...I am ready. Winter pots planted with evergreens will stand guard at my door this winter. Brave and strong. Outdoor hoses removed and drained. Cushioned chairs covered. Deer proof bulbs are planted for Spring. Wilted annuals removed. My hallway foyer is open to all that lands on my stoop. An Amazon package, a neighbor who offers help,…

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Coaching vs. Therapy

I spoke to a possible client today and I offered her a coaching session because she seemed blocked in her ability to define her goals. She told me that she had never had good luck with therapy. Wait, what? I wasn’t offering to be her therapist. This conversation made me realize that a lot of people might not understand exactly…

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