Fall is Knocking At Your Door

Photo Credit: Laurey W. Glenn


My front door is closed right now, but I’m ready for what comes next.

With the new season–the crisp leaves, the fresh notebooks–comes a sense of excitement and expectancy. Something new. We are ready for the change of season, and whatever it may bring.

Flower pots replanted.
Mums. Gourds. Muted seasonal colors.
It’s a clean slate.
New beginnings on that project.
A full quarter of the year is remaining.
Plenty of time for a new chapter.

Sounds outside are different.
The ice cream truck bells are replaced by laughter from children as they walk to school or get off the bus. Even through their masks, their enthusiasm is heard.

Soon, leaves will crunch under our feet.
I can practically smell the pumpkin lattes.

All is still.

No one knows who will come to the door, and what news they will bring, and what form it will take.

I am ready. Are you ready?