Can you keep a secret?

Can you keep a secret?
I can.
As a coach, I treat confidentiality like an attorney or a doctor.
A recent New York Times article about overhearing conversations outside a Trader Joe’s on the Upper West Side during the pandemic got me thinking about how different people in different situations might use the information they hear.
In coaching, confidentiality is a serious topic.
Before a coaching relationship begins, you and your coach will discuss and decide upon clear levels of confidentiality that will be respected.
“Confidentiality refers to the coach’s duty to not disclose any information obtained during the course of the coaching relationship without the express permission of the client.”–International Coach Federation
You, the client, set the boundaries during the entire course of the coaching relationship.
You will feel safe, secure and can open up an share any issues, feelings and personal situations that may be critical for your growth.