The future is inevitable. We all have heard this phrase, or something similar, at one point or another.
While the future is impossible to avoid, the unknown aspect of it can cause many people to be fearful. It’s up to us to decide how to approach the future. I suggest we use the future as a chance to embrace–and trust–the unknown and take risks on ourselves for the better.
Last year, I heard a speech by Cheryl Strayed (of “Wild” fame). She spoke about her experience hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Although initially intimidated by the trail, she sensed she could do this hike. Why? Because it literally meant putting one foot in front of the other — taking a large task and breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
Cheryl’s speech got me thinking about my own experiences hiking, and the intimidation I have felt when first approaching trails. Like Cheryl, I have tried to focus on the next steps I physically needed to take, instead of thinking about the end goal.
I wasn’t always a risk taker. Before I started coaching, I was always cautious and it served me well for many years. But it also held me back because I stayed in my comfort zone.
As I began to become more self-aware, small changes to my mindset every day helped me see outside of myself, to my full potential.
Even if you can’t do something perfectly right away, you can still make progress if you choose to take the leap. Don’t get overwhelmed by the big
picture–trust that your tiny efforts, step by step, will achieve a big goal.
Small acts are meaningful over time.
Show up every single day and that’s how your power grows. Take it one step at a time, and believe that you and your future are worth it.