After a recent 6-session, weekly, on-line improv class to add some variety into my schedule, to challenge myself, and mostly to simply laugh, here are some life lessons I learned:
✨ Improv helps you stay, and enjoy being in the moment, as well as to become a better listener.
✨ Improv helps you think on your feet allowing you to be more spontaneous vs. scripted.
✨ Improv helps you embrace mistakes. Magic happens when you get out of your own way and learn for next time.
✨ Improv helps you become a team player. Being supported by, supportive of, and present with your improv partner(s), helps you to see life as a team sport.
✨ Improv helps you realize you shouldn’t “outdo” the person you are with — you don’t always need to “win” or be the most vocal, and not to worry if you don’t get to tell your own story this time.
✨ Improv helps you realize there is joy in being imaginative, creative, and playful, which translates to being less judgmental — of yourself and others.
What have you done lately to add some variety into your schedule?