“This could be it!”
Those were the words my husband shouted 28 years ago when, after two exhausting years of house-hunting, we saw this house.
I stared at the dilapidated ranch with its overgrown bushes and yellow lead paint siding. As I recall, my immediate reaction was something along the lines of….WTF!!! I couldn’t see past the trees (literally). My mind couldn’t get beyond the glaring limitations of the sad little house in front of me. But my husband was looking past the temporary constraints of the home and envisioning nothing but potential.
He saw acreage, a pleasant street, an inviting town — a place we could grow into instead of out of. He took it all in…not just what was right in front of him, but what could be. A beautiful flat, rectangular property where our son could release his toddler energy. Opportunity. Dreams. Growth. He immediately recognized what this hidden little gem of a home could be for us.
All I could see were those bushes.
We often get stuck in our own way, unable to see what’s hidden beneath years of overgrowth. For many women, after what seems like a lifetime of child-rearing, a great deal of overgrowth can take place, obscuring who we really are underneath.
Goethe wrote: Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.
(The same goes for houses in need of a little cleaning and a great deal of TLC.)
Life coaching is all about clarity. It’s about clearing away what has become messy and overgrown and getting to the heart of your potential and your identity. My job is to take a journey alongside of you until what you can be and what you ought to be becomes realized, what has been dormant for years becomes revealed.
The first step in any voyage of self-realization is to get past the clutter.
I’m here to help you clear away those bushes and to take you on a journey that will have you exclaiming, “This could be it!!”
Together, we will get you back home again.